
Reflections on My First Month as a Direct Primary Care Doctor

I feel I should pinch myself as I’m driving to my next housecall.  Who would have thought that I would be practicing Family Medicine the way I envisioned when applying to medical school, before my naivete faced the reality of the current healthcare system?

What is Direct Primary Care? And What Are the Benefits?

What is Direct Primary Care?  And What Are the Benefits?

I am Patrick Rohal, M.D., a family doctor and the founder of CovenantMD, Lancaster’s first Direct Primary Care practice, which will be opening in January, 2016.  I launched my website (www.covenantmd.net) on Tuesday, and posted announcements on Facebook and LinkedIn.  That made Tuesday a wonderful flurry of exchanging digital "high fives" with friends and collaborators, and answering questions with prospective patients.  As the first post on my News page on the website, I wanted to take a few minutes and explain Direct Primary Care.