At CovenantMD, we're about simplifying and streamlining access to your doctor and nurse.
Our patients have three options for reaching us:
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OPTION 1: Via phone 24/7. And patients can call us from within the Spruce app (see below).
Lancaster: 717-287-1983
York: 717-210-4880
OPTION 2: Via Spruce Health. Our patients can download the Spruce app to their phone, and use it to call us or for secure text messaging (including pictures). They may also use the app for secure video communication for telemedicine (like Facetime with your doc!).
Patients can download Spruce by clicking on one of the following links:
Patients of Dr. Rohal and Faith, click here
Patients of Dr. Mellinger and Lori, click here
Patients of Jane Snyder and Stephanie, click here
OPTION 3: Via Elation Passport, a portal function that connects with our electronic medical record. Passport allows secure emailing, and allows up to date views of medical history and medication and allergy lists. We use Elation Passport to email and discuss lab results. Passport messages are generally addressed the same business day, or the next business day if message is sent on a holiday or weekend. Need to reach us now? Either call us or text us using Spruce (see above). Find out more about Elation Passport here. Patients can log into their Passport account here.